Einstein Is An Analytical Mathematician Seeking To Give A Physical Interpretation To The Conclusions Of His Mathematical Process.

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"Einstein is an analytical mathematician seeking to give a physical
interpretation to the conclusions of his mathematical process. In
this he is hampered by a load of contradictory and absurd assumptions
of the school that he follows, which throws him into all manner of
difficulty. Einstein has such a faculty for embracing both sides
of a contradiction that one would have to be of the same frame of
mind to follow his thought, it is so peculiarly his own. The whole
Relativity theory is as easy to follow as the path of a bat in the
air at night."
-- Father Jeremiah Joseph Callahan,
-- President of Duquesne University,
-- Einstein or Euclid:
-- A Proof of the Parallel Theory and a Critique of Metageometry, 1931
