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Every Art And Every Faculty Contemplates Certain Things As Its Principal Objects.
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Every art and every faculty contemplates certain things as its principal
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD)
-- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xx
The appearance of things to the mind is the standard of every action to man.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- That we ought not to be angry with Mankind, -- Discourses, Book i, Chap....
Every habit and faculty is preserved and increased by correspondent actions,--as the habit of walking, by walking
of running, by running. -- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- How the Semblances of Things are to be combated, -- Discourses, Book ii, Chap....
The essence of good and evil is a certain disposition of the will.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Of Courage, -- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xxix...
Difficulties are things that show what men are. -- Epictetus (c.
60 AD) -- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xxiv...
In every affair consider what precedes and what follows, and then undertake it.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- That Everything is to be undertaken with Circumspection, -- Discourses, Book iii, Chap....
Things true and evident must of necessity be recognized by those who would contradict them.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Concerning the Epicureans, -- Discourses, Book ii, Chap. xx...
Practise yourself, for heaven's sake, in little thing
and thence proceed to greater. -- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xviii...
Reason is not measured by size or height, but by principle.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Discourses, Book i, Chap. xii...
There are some things which men confess with ease, and others with difficulty.
-- Epictetus (c. 60 AD) -- Of Inconsistency, -- Discourses, Book ii, Chap. xxi...