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Every Man Is Guilty Of All The Good He Didn't Do. -- Voltaire
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Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do.
-- Voltaire
Man is free at the moment he wishes to be. -- Voltaire
When the speaker and he to whom he is speaks do not understand, that is metaphysics. -- Voltaire
The man with the best job in the country is the vice-president.
All he has to do is get up every morning and say, 'How is the president?' -- Will Roge...
The only way to compel men to speak good of us is to do it. -- Voltaire
No, my friend, the way to have good and safe government, is not to trust it all to one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly the functions he is competent to.
It is by dividing and subdividing these republics from the national one down through all its subordinations, until it ends in the administration of every man's farm by himself...
A man who enters into marriage thinking he will educate his wife is guilty of the same stupidity as a wife who enters into marriage thinking she will reform her new husband.
Both of these folks are in for a lot of reform and a good deal of education, but it may not be as helpful as they thought....
All for one and every man for himself.