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Failing To Get Them To Do It Your Way Might Mean They're Stupid, But It Also Means You Failed To Get Them To Do It Your Way.
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Failing to get them to do it your way might mean they're stupid, but it also
means you failed to get them to do it your way.
-- Cal Keegan
This is NOT Burger King. You do not get it YOUR way.
It's not just a computer -- it's your ass. -- Cal Keega
It's not just a computer -- it's your ass." -- Cal Keega
Life begins when you can spend your spare time programming instead of watching television.
-- Cal Keega...
When you have a lot of things to do, first things first, get your nap out of the way before all else.
If your computer doesn't multitask, it ain't shit. -- Cal Keega
Shock comes bringing danger. A hundred thousand times You lose your treasures And must climb the nine hills.
Do not go in pursuit of them. After seven days you will get them back....
You say that my way of thinking cannot be tolerated?
What of it? The man who alters his way of thinking to suit others is a fool....
Unobfuscated Perl (#1) A rogue group of Perl hackers has presented a plan to add a "use really_goddamn_strict" pragma that would enforce readability and UNobfuscation.
With this pragma in force, the Perl compiler might say...