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Against Those Skilled In The Attack, The Enemy Does Not Know Where To Defend.
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Against those skilled in the attack, the enemy does not know where to defend.
Against the experts in defence, the enemy does not know where to attack.
-- Sun Tzu
All warfare is based on deception. Therefore, when capable, feign incapacity
when active, inactivity. When near, make it appear that you are far away...
It is impossible to defend perfectly against the attack of those who want to die.
ogg: /og/ [CMU] v. 1. In the multi-player space combat game Netrek, to execute kamikaze attacks against enemy ships which are carrying armies or occupying strategic positions.
Named during a game in which one of the players repeatedly used the tactic while playing Orion ship G, showing up in the player list as "Og"....
ogg /og/ v. [CMU] 1. In the multi-player space combat game Netrek, to execute kamikaze attacks against enemy ships which are carrying armies or occupying strategic positions.
Named during a game in which one of the players repeatedly used the tactic while playing Orion ship G, showing up in the player list as "Og"....
There is a place for a decisive gamble where you know your enemy and can calculate the risks at least roughly
but to move at all against an unknown enemy is boldness in itself. -- Bel Riose...
If I determine the enemy's disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented.
The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formle...
Sun Microsystems: Where we DESIGN the Star Fighters that defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-dan Armada.
-- Steven C. Neigho...