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For All That Faire Is, Is By Nature Good; That Is A Signe To Know The Gentle Blood.
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For all that faire is, is by nature good;
That is a signe to know the gentle blood.
-- Edmund Spenser (1553-1599)
-- An Hymne in Honour of Beautie, Line 139
For of the soule the bodie forme doth take; For soule is forme, and doth the bodie make.
-- Edmund Spenser (1553-1599) -- An Hymne in Honour of Beautie, Line 132...
What more felicitie can fall to creature Than to enjoy delight with libertie
And to be lord of all the workes of Nature, To raine in th' aire from earth to highest skie, To feed on flowres and weeds of glorious feature....
For all that Nature by her mother-wit Could frame in earth.
-- Edmund Spenser (1553-1599) -- The Faerie Queene, Book iv, Canto x, St. 21...
A gentle knight was pricking on the plaine. -- Edmund Spenser (1553-1599) -- The Faerie Queene, Book i, Canto i, St.
The gentle minde by gentle deeds is knowne; For a man by nothing is so well bewrayed As by his manners.
-- Edmund Spenser (1553-1599) -- The Faerie Queene, Book vi, Canto iii, St. 1...
No daintie flowre or herbe that growes on grownd, No arborett with painted blossoms drest And smelling sweete, but there it might be fownd To bud out faire, and throwe her sweete smels al arownd.
-- Edmund Spenser (1553-1599) -- The Faerie Queene, Book ii, Canto vi, St. 12...
Rest: Death after life. -- Edmund Spense
I hate the day, because it lendeth light To see all things, but not my love to see.
-- Edmund Spenser (1553-1599) -- Daphnaida, v, 407...
Roses red and violets blew, And all the sweetest flowres that in the forrest grew.
-- Edmund Spenser (1553-1599) -- The Faerie Queene, Book iii, Canto vi, St. 6...