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Form'd By Thy Converse, Happily To Steer From Grave To Gay, From Lively To Severe.
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Form'd by thy converse, happily to steer
From grave to gay, from lively to severe.
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
-- Essay on Man, Epistle iv, Line 379
Honour and shame from no condition rise; Act well your part, there all the honour lies.
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744) -- Essay on Man, Epistle iv, Line 193...
The soul's calm sunshine and the heartfelt joy.
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744) -- Essay on Man, Epistle iv, Line 168...
Thou wert my guide, philosopher, and friend.
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744) -- Essay on Man, Epistle iv, Line 390...
Remembrance and reflection how allied! What thin partitions sense from thought divide!
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744) -- Essay on Man, Epistle i, Line 225...
A wit 's a feather, and a chief a rod; An honest man 's the noblest work of God.
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744) -- Essay on Man, Epistle iv, Line 247...
Know then this truth (enough for man to know),-- "Virtue alone is happiness below.
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744) -- Essay on Man, Epistle iv, Line 309...
Never elated when one man 's oppress'd; Never dejected while another 's bless'd.
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744) -- Essay on Man, Epistle iv, Line 323...
Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow; The rest is all but leather or prunello.
-- Alexander Pope (1688-1744) -- Essay on Man, Epistle iv, Line 203...
Order is heaven's first law; and this confest, Some are, and must be, greater than the rest, More rich, more wise
but who infers from hence That such are happier, shocks all common sense....