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For The Egoist Has So Far The Advantage Over Every Other Species Of Devotee, That His Idol Is Ever Present.
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For the egoist has so far the advantage over every other species of
devotee, that his idol is ever present.
-- Catherine Gore
The present time has one advantage over every other. It is our own. -- Colto
So you're saying this fish may have an advantage over other fish.
It may be, in fact, a kind of `Super-Fish'!...
Men spend their lives in anticipations, in determining to be vastly happy at some period when they have time.
But the present time has one advantage over every other - it is our own....
All advances by degrees in Nature, and nothing by leaps, and this law as applied to each, is part of my doctrine of Continuity.
Although there may exist in some other world species intermediate between Man and the Apes, Nature has thought it best to remove them from us, in order to establish our superiority beyond question....
ALIEN INVASION IMMINENT It now known that an alien species has been watching this planet for several years now.
They have sent their scouts ahead, who have infiltrated much of the civilised world....
In art and in everything, the commentator is generally better informed and more lucid than the subject of commentary.
This is the advantage the murderer has over his victim. -- E.M. Ciora...
Computers have rights, too. Everyone talks about the rights of animals, but so far nothing has been said about the tragic plight of computers the world over.
They are subjected to the greatest horror ever conceived...
No class of Americans, so far as I know, has ever objected to any amount of governmental meddling if it appeared to benefit that particular class.
-- Carl Becke...
The amassing of wealth is one of the worst species of idolatry, no idol is more debasing.
-- Andrew Carnegie...