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For We Both Alike Know That Into The Discussion Of Human Affairs The Question Of Justice Enters Only Where The Pressure Of Necessity Is Equal
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For we both alike know that into the discussion of human affairs the question
of justice enters only where the pressure of necessity is equal, and that the
powerful exact what they can, and the weak grant what they must.
-- Thucydides
he bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding go out to meet it.
-- Thucydide...
hose who feel it (sympathy for evil) -- feel nothing for any quality of human greatness, for any person or action that deserves admiration, approval, esteem.
These are the things I feel. You'll find that it's one or the other....
Burke: "They all look alike." Samno: "What about that smell?
You know only top-of-the-line models can even talk--" -- "STVI:TUC", Stardate 9522.6...
Inadmissible: Not competent to be considered. Said of certain kinds of testimony which juries are supposed to be unfit to be entrusted with
and which judges, therefore, rule out, even of proceedings before themselves alone....
Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.
-- Marcel Proust, Maxim...
We hear and apprehend only what we already half know.
You know you should be swimming when . . . You look at a statue of Justice and get disappointed that the scales aren't what and where you wanted them to be.
Kirk: "Don't crucify yourself, it wasn't your fault.
Spock: "I was responsible." Kirk: "For no actions but your own....
Where the world ceases to be the stage for personal hopes and desires, where we, as free beings, behold it in wonder, to question and to contemplate, there we enter the realm of Art and of Science.
If we trace out what we behold and experience through the language of logic, we are doing science....