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Go, Soul, The Body's Guest, Upon A Thankless Arra
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Go, Soul, the body's guest,
Upon a thankless arrant:
Fear not to touch the best,
The truth shall be thy warrant:
Go, since I needs must die,
And give the world the lie.
-- Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618)
-- The Lie
If all the world and love were young, And truth in every shepherd's tongue, These pretty pleasures might me move To live with thee, and be thy love.
-- Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618) -- The Nymph's Reply to the Passionate Shepherd...
A little truth helps the lie go down.
Fain would I climb, yet fear I to fall. -- Sir Walter Raleigh
So the heart be right, it is no matter which way the head lieth.
(Executed by beheading.) ~~ Sir Walter Raleigh, d. October 29, 1618...
Shall I, like an hermit, dwell On a rock or in a cell? -- Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618) -- Poem
Cowards [may] fear to die; but courage stout, Rather than live in snuff, will be put out.
-- Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618) -- On the snuff of a candle the night before he died, -- Raleigh's Remains, p....
I give away Truth, why buy a liberal Democratic lie?
The best time for marriage will be towards thirty, for as the younger times are unfi
either to choose or to govern a wife and family, so, if thou stay long, thou shalt hardly see the education of thy children, who, being left to strangers, are in effect lo...
Upon my burned body lie lightly, gentle earth. -- Beaumont and Fletcher -- The Maid's Tragedy, Act i, Sc.