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He Is At No End Of His Actions Blest Whose Ends Will Make Him Greatest, And Not Best.
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He is at no end of his actions blest
Whose ends will make him greatest, and not best.
-- George Chapman (1557-1634)
-- Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron, Act v, Sc. 1
T is immortality to die aspiring, As if a man were taken quick to heaven.
-- George Chapman (1557-1634) -- Conspiracy of Charles, Duke of Byron, Act i, Sc. 1...
Give me a spirit that on this life's rough sea Loves t' have his sails fill'd with a lusty wind
Even till his sail-yards tremble, his masts crack, And his rapt ship run on her side so low That she drinks water, and her keel plows air....
But they that are above Have ends in everything. -- Beaumont and Fletcher -- The Maid's Tragedy, Act v, Sc.
Make ducks and drakes with shillings. -- George Chapman (1557-1634) -- Eastward Ho, Act i, Sc. 1
Each natural agent works but to this end,-- To render that it works on like itself.
-- George Chapman (1557-1634) -- Bussy D'Ambois, Act iii, Sc. 1...
For one heat, all know, doth drive out another, One passion doth expel another still.
-- George Chapman (1557-1634) -- Monsieur D'Olive, Act v, Sc. 1...
I will neither yield to the song of the siren nor the voice of the hyena, the tears of the crocodile nor the howling of the wolf.
-- George Chapman (1557-1634) -- Eastward Ho, Act v, Sc. 1...
Young men think old men are fools; but old men know young men are fools.
-- George Chapman (1557-1634) -- All Fools, Act v, Sc. 1...
They 're only truly great who are truly good. -- George Chapman (1557-1634) -- Revenge for Honour, Act v, Sc.