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Heuristic Devices Don't Tell You When To Stop. -- The Banana Principle
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Heuristic devices don't tell you when to stop.
-- The Banana Principle
Anananay: what happens when you start spelling "banana" and don't stop.
You tell 'em Banana, You've been skinned.
The Banana Principle: If you buy bananas or avocados before they are ripe, there won't be any left by the time they are ripe.
If you buy them ripe, they rot before they are eaten....
Young's Principle on Emergent Individuation: Everybody wants to peel his own banana.
Everybody wants to peel their own banana. -- Young's Principle of Individuality
banana problem n. [from the story of the little girl who said "I know how to spell `banana', but I don't know when to stop"].
Not knowing where or when to bring a production to a close (compare fencepost error)....
Passenger: "When the train stops will you please tell me at which end to get off?
Conductor: "It doesn't matter, lady, both ends stop....
banana problem: n. [from the story of the little girl who said "I know how to spell `banana', but I don't know when to stop"].
Not knowing where or when to bring a production to a close (compare {fencepost error})....
Milstead's Driving Principle: Whenever you need to stop at a light to put on makeup, every light will be green.