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He Who Devotes Sixteen Hours A Day To Hard Study May Become As Wise At Sixty As He Thought Himself At Twenty.
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He who devotes sixteen hours a day to hard study may become as wise at
sixty as he thought himself at twenty.
-- Mary Little
He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do....
He who laughs, lasts. -- Mary Pettibone Poole
Transvestite: He who likes to eat, drink and be Mary.
If A fool persists in his folly he shall become wise. -- William Blake
Neither do the ignorant seek after wisdom. For herein is the evil of ignorance, that he who is neither good nor wise is nevertheless satisfied with himself
he has no desire for that of which he feels no want. -- Plato (428-348? B.C.)...
No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own.
He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a teacher. -- Ben Johnso...
The study of the errors into which great minds have fallen in the pursuit of truth can never be uninstructive.
. . No man is so wise but that he may learn some wisdom from his past errors, either of thought or action, and no society has made such advances as to be capable of no improvement from the retrospect of its past folly and credulity....
He was a wise man who invented God. -- Plato