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Hours Can Be Centuries -- Vanna The Troglyte, "The Cloud Minders," Stardate 5819.0.
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Hours can be centuries
-- Vanna the Troglyte, "The Cloud Minders," stardate 5819.0.
It's hard to believe that something which is neither seen nor felt can do so much harm.
That's true. But an idea can't be seen or felt. And that's what kept the Troglytes in the mines all these centuries....
Extreme feminine beauty is always disturbing. -- Spock, "The Cloud Minders," stardate 5818.4.
Light and warmth! That's necessary to all humanoids.
-- Kirk, "The Cloud Minders," stardate 5818.4....
To restrict a segment of the population to such hardship is unthinkable in an evolved culture.
-- Spock, "The Cloud Minders," stardate 5818.4...
Violence in reality is quite different from theory.
-- Spock, "The Cloud Minders," stardate 5818.4....
All the little things you and I understand and expect from life, such a
equality; kindness; justice ... -- Spock, "The Cloud Minders," stardate 5818.4....
This troubled planet [Ardana] is a place of most violent contrasts -- those who receive the rewards are totally separated from those who shoulder the burdens.
It is not a wise leadership. -- Spock, "The Cloud Minders," stardate 5818.4....
LaForge: "I always thought Data would outlive us all, by centuries.
-- "The Most Toys", Stardate unknow...
When Voyager 2 visited Neptune it saw a small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune every 16 hours or so now known as "The Scooter".