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If It's Easily Fixed, It Don't Matter Whose Fault It Was.
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Quotations - Laws
If it's easily fixed, it don't matter whose fault it was.
You are fixed in your opinions and will not be easily moved from your purpose.
A man can drown and do it easily in a stream whose average depth is a mere seven inches.
curtation n. The enforced compression of a string in the fixed-length field environment.
The problem of fitting extremely variable-length strings such as names, addresses, and item descriptions into fixed-length records is no trivial matter....
When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose?' -- Don Marqui
When Bishop Berkeley said "there was no matter," And proved it,--'t was no matter what he said.
-- Lord Byron (1788-1824) -- Don Juan, Canto xi, Stanza 1...
SMOP /S-M-O-P/ n. [Simple (or Small) Matter of Programming] 1.
A piece of code, not yet written, whose anticipated length is significantly greater than its complexity....
SMOP: /S-M-O-P/ [Simple (or Small) Matter of Programming] n.
1. A piece of code, not yet written, whose anticipated length is significantly greater than its complexity....
I was so free with him as not to mince the matter.
-- Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) -- Don Quixote, The Author's Preface...
Feature: a desirable attribute of a program. Bug: an undesireable attribute of a program to be fixed in the near future.
Beature: an undesireable attribute of a program which will not be fixed no matter how hard you beg....