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APL Is A Write-only Language. I Can Write Programs In APL, But I Can't Read Any Of Them.
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Quotations - Old
APL is a write-only language. I can write programs
in APL, but I can't read any of them.
-- Roy Keir
APL is a write-only language. I can write programs in APL, but I can't read any of them.
-- Roy Kei...
APL is a write-only language. I can write programs in APL, but I can't read any of them.
-- Roy Kei...
APL is a write only language: You can write programs in it; but try and read them!
one-liner wars: n. A game popular among hackers who code in the language APL (see {write-only language} and {line noise}).
The objective is to see who can code the most interesting and/or useful routine in one line of operators chosen from APL's exceedingly {hairy} primitive set....
write-only language: n. A language with syntax (or semantics) sufficiently dense and bizarre that any routine of significant size is automatically {write-only code}.
A sobriquet applied occasionally to C and often to APL, though {INTERCAL} and {TECO} certainly deserve it more....
write-only language n. A language with syntax (or semantics) sufficiently dense and bizarre that any routine of significant size is automatically write-only code.
A sobriquet applied occasionally to C and often to APL, though INTERCAL and TECO certainly deserve it more....
How many APL hackers -- does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. There's a primitive for that. Note: I don't do APL but I think a primitive is a procedure that is included as a part of the language....