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Monty Python "In Accordance With Our Principles Of Free Enterprise And Healthy Competition, I'm Going To Ask You Two To Fight To The Death For It.
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Monty Python
"In accordance with our principles of free enterprise and
healthy competition, I'm going to ask you two to fight to
the death for it."
Monty Python "In accordance with our principles of free enterprise and healthy competition, I'm going to ask you two to fight to the death for it.
ARTHUR: Well, I AM king... DENNIS: Oh king, eh, very nice.
An' how'd you get that, eh? By exploitin' the workers -- by 'angin' on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic an' social differences in our society!...
I must warn you that anything you say will be ignored. -- Monty Pytho
...for DEATH awaits you all, with nasty sharp pointy teeth!" -- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
ARTHUR: What are you going to do. bleed on me? -- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
This here's the wattle The emblem of our land You can stick it in a bottle Or you can hold it in your hand.
-- Monty Pytho...
Stewardess: [over PA] Attention passengers. Due to our policy of overselling flights, this flight has been oversold.
In accordance with FAA rules, the first two people to the front will be upgraded to first class....
Marge: Stop it, stop it, stop it! [flicks light on and off] Ba
Mom, that is _really_ annoying. Lisa: Bart started it....
ARTHUR: You are indeed brave Sir knight, but the fight is mine.
BLACK KNIGHT: Had enough? ARTHUR: You stupid bastard....