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In Medieval Times, People Thought That Evil Spirits Could Enter A Person Through An Open Mouth.
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Quotations By Famous People
In medieval times, people thought that evil spirits could enter a person
through an open mouth. These days they more often leave that way.
-- David Deckert
I really would not be so bothered by people who speak out what they think, if before they spoke out, they actually did think.
This is one of the main problems with a democracy....
Fellow with closed mind often has open mouth.
May evil spirits be confused on the way to your door. -- George Carli
Data: "I have often wondered what it must be like to have one's mouth.
..water in anticipation of the arrival of a confection....
evil: adj. As used by hackers, implies that some system, program, person, or institution is sufficiently maldesigned as to be not worth the bother of dealing with.
Unlike the adjectives in the {cretinous}/{losing}/{brain-damaged} series, `evil' does not imply incompetence or bad design, but rather a set of goals or design criteria fatally incompatible with the speaker's....
Brief History Of Linux (#28) Free, Open, Libre, Whatever Software Eric S.
Raymond's now famous paper, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", set the stage for the lucrative business of giving software away....
A politician is a person who approaches a question with an open mouth. ADLAI STEVENSON
aga n. [WPI] A cuspy but bogus raving story about N random broken people.
Here is a classic example of the saga form, as told by Guy L....
There are few people more often in the wrong than those who cannot endure to be thought so.