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Every Animal Knows Far More Than You Do. -- [Nez Pearce]
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Quotations By Famous People
Every animal knows far more than you do.
-- [Nez Pearce]
Every animal knows more than you do. Native American Proverb (Nez Perce)
It's time once again to "ask Dr. Science"! Remember, he knows MORE than you do.
A liberal: someone who thinks he knows more about your experience than you do. -- James Baldwi
Just remember, he knows more than you do!" "I have a Master's Degree!
"In SCIENCE!" -- Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre's Ask Mr. Science...
GURU: One who knows more jargon than you.
Everyone knows that there is a solution to every problem
but not everyone is aware that every solution to a problem brings about additional problems far worse than the problem for which the solution is known....
One of the frustrations about doing what you do is that most people who do not do what you do know far more about how to do what you do than you do, and they are not shy about telling you this.
If addiction is judged by how long a dumb animal will sit pressing a lever to get a fix of something, to its own detriment, then I would conclude that netnews is far more addictive than cocaine.
-- Rob Stampfli...