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Life Should Be Lived So Vividly And So Intensely That Thoughts Of Another Life, Or Of A Longer Life, Are Not Necessary.
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Quotations By Famous People
Life should be lived so vividly and so intensely that thoughts of
another life, or of a longer life, are not necessary.
-- Marjory Stoneman Douglas, B. 1890 American Conservationist
For if there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.
-- Albert Camu...
If there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.
-- Albert Camu...
Life is so strange.
He lived his life to the end.
Rural life is lived mostly in the country
It's not that life is so short, it's that you're dead for so long.
What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue.
Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far....
Dreams are necessary to life. -- Anais Ni
One's life is so often the life that one does not lead. -- Oscar Wilde