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Did You Hear About The Meanest Man In The World Didn't Tell His Wife He Was Sterile Until She Got Pregnant.
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Did you hear about the meanest man in the world didn't tell his
wife he was sterile until she got pregnant.
Cad: A man who doesn't tell his wife that he's sterile until she's pregnant.
Did you hear about the Newfie that Took his pregnant wife to a grocery store, because they had free delivery.
Did you hear about the man who broke his nose in amorous circumstances.
He was making love to his wife doggy style and she suddenly ran under the bed....
Did you hear about the Newfie Who wouldn't go out with his wife because she was married.
Did you hear about the french soldier who kisses both his wife's cheeks before he went to the front.
Did you hear about the newfie woman who couldn't get pregnant twice because she blew the both of them.
Did you hear about the man who never worried about his marriage until he moved from New York to California and discovered that he still had the same milkman.
Did you hear about the Newfie that Thought his typewriter was pregnant because it missed a couple of periods.
Did you hear about the Newfie that Put iodine on his pay cheque because he got a cut in pay.