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Did You Hear That The Pretty Lab Technicians In Busy Sperm Banks Are Sometimes Asked To Lend A Hand.
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Did you hear that the pretty lab technicians in busy sperm
banks are sometimes asked to lend a hand.
Did you hear about the female lab technician who has asked to be transferred from a genetics-research project because the horny director keeps trying to get into her genes.
Did you hear about a California sperm bank's bumper sticker: WE'RE PULLING FOR YOU!
Did you hear about the girl who applied for a job as a night-deposit box in a sperm bank.
Did you hear that a new line of bull sperm for use in animal husbandry will be called Elmer's Goo.
Did you hear that one enterprising sperm bank is planning to distribute its product in aerosol dispensers.
It's to be called Heirspray, of course....
Did you hear about the girl who was fired from her job in a sperm bank after she became pregnant.
They discovered she'd been embezzling....
Did you hear about the procedure whereby a Nobel Prize winner furnishes sperm for artificial-insemination purposes that is referred to as A STROKE OF GENIUS.
And why did you come to earth?" "To collect sperm." -- Space Virgi
Did you hear about the elderly gentleman who was stung on the privates by a bee and asked the doctor to relieve the pain but leave the swelling.