Bart: Lis! Lis, come here, I found him! I found Edgar Neubauer.
[points at a tombstone: "Edgar Neubauer: Beloved husband and old
grouch (1831-1909)"]
Oh my God...the dead have risen and they're voting Republican.
Lisa: [gasp] No, Bart, don't you see? Dead people can't vote.
[pulls out list, looks at another tombstone]
Prudence Goodwyfe, died 1641. She voted for Bob too. [gasps] So
did Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper.
[walking] Even the pet cemetery voted for Bob, look! Mr. and
Mrs. Bananas, Humphrey Boa-Gart...oh, my poor dead kitty, please
not you too...
[checks list, sees "Snowball I"]
[angry] All right, Bob, now it's personal!
-- The Mayor crosses the line, "Sideshow Bob Roberts"
Brich Barlow [on the radio; a Rush Limbaugh imitation] My friends, isn't this just typical? Another intelligent conservative here, railroaded by our liberal justice system, just like [reads lists] Colonel Oliver North, officer Stacey Koons, and cartoon Smokespeson Joe Camel....