Krusty: You've Got To Give Me The Part Of Crispy The Clown!

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Krusty: You've got to give me the part of Crispy the Clown!
Director: I'm sorry: you're wrong for the part.
Krusty: But look at my range! [holds out photograph]
[pictures show Krusty laughing, frowning, saluting in a
sailor cap, and looking through a microscope]
Assistant: Well, I'm sorry: Crispy the Clown has been cast. But I will
hire you for Angry the Crown, Silly Sailor, and Dr. Clownius.
Krusty: I _won't_ let you down. [the men leave]
Well, I _might_ let you down in Silly Sailor.
-- Aware of his faults, "Radioactive Man"
