Lisa: Bleeding Gums Murphy! BG: Little Lisa. It's Good To See You Again.

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Lisa: Bleeding Gums Murphy!
BG: Little Lisa. It's good to see you again.
Lisa: It's been a long time...
[flashback to 7G06, BG playing on the bridge]
BG: My friends call me "Bleeding Gums".
Lisa: Ew. How did you get a name like that?
BG: Well, let me put it this way: you ever been to the dentist?
Lisa: Yep.
BG: Not me. I suppose I should go to one, but I got enough pain in my
life as it is.
[back to the present]
BG: What are _you_ here for?
Lisa: My brother just had his appendix out.
BG: Is he going to be OK?
Bart: [mooning them] Hello, I'm Dr. Cheeks. I'm doing my rounds, and,
uh, I'm a little behind.
Lisa: [monotone] He'll be fine...
-- Bart bounces backside -- er, back,
"'Round Springfield"
