Lisa: [turning On Dryer] There, Now No One Should Be Able To Hear Us.

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Lisa: [turning on dryer] There, now no one should be able to hear us.
Bart: What?
Lisa: [turning off dryer] All right, we don't need the dryer.
Bart: What?
Lisa: Just shut up and listen! There's something fishy about Grandma:
whenever we ask her where she's been all this time, she changes
the subject. And just now, when a police car drove by, she ran
into the house.
Bart: Yeah, I don't trust her either. When I was going through her
purse, look what I found!
[hands Lisa some driver's licenses]
Lisa: [reading] Mona Simpson...Mona Stevens...Martha Stewart...Penelope
Olsen...Muddy Mae Suggins? These are the calling cards of a con
-- The truth comes out, "Mother Simpson"
