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Sleazy Entertainment And Raunchy Jokes Will Never Be As Popular As Sobriety And Self-denial.
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The Simpsons
Sleazy entertainment and raunchy jokes will never be as popular as
sobriety and self-denial.
-- The world according to Marge,
Self Denial Made Easy: Abner Gatio
Interactive Entertainment will never work because entertainment boils down to the performer, not the audience, being in control.
The whole fucking world is pretending the breakthrough is in technology....
Marge: Hmm! It's not bad! Frank: It's not only not bad -- it's not bread.
Knot bread", you get it? [chuckles] See?...
How often it is that the angry woman rages denial of what her inner self is telling her.
Riot, n. A popular entertainment given to the military by innocent bystanders.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary...
Never ask a streetside entertainment center if it wants to be turned on. -- Pete Barlow
DELUSION, n. The father of a most respectable family, comprising Enthusiasm, Affection, Self-denial, Faith, Hope, Charity and many other goodly sons and daughters.
All hail, Delusion! Were it not for thee The world turned topsy-turvy we should see...
Marge: According to Fretful Mother Magazine, if Maggie doesn't talk at age one, we should consider a corrective tongue extender.
-- And then she can be the world's youngest Gene Simmons, "Lisa's First Word...
Just what is a diet? A diet is self-denial. Fortunately, I'm such a swell fellow I haven't the heart to deny myself anything!
-- Garfield....