Ranger: I Won't Lie To You. Our Chances Of Finding Your Children Are Slim To Nil.

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Ranger: I won't lie to you. Our chances of finding your children are
slim to nil.
Lisa: [from below] Hi mom!
[Smithers and the kids are waving at Marge]
Marge: There they are! Let me down here.
Ranger: Sorry. There's no way off till we get to the top, and even then
it's sort of tricky.
Marge: [grunts] [yelling] All right, kids, we'll meet you at the top!
Just be careful!
Ranger: Uh, actually, I'm a little more concerned about us.
[one of the two rails holding the chair snaps]
Um, do you know how to weld?
-- Up the creek without a paddle, "Mountain of Madness"
