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Homer: All Right, All Right. Who Took The Funny Pages?
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Homer: All right, all right. Who took the funny pages?
Smithers: [reading to Burns] So Ziggy goes to the repair shop,
there's a sign on the doorbell reading `out of order'.
Burns: Heh heh. Ah, Ziggy. Will you ever win?
-- "Brush with Greatness"
Selma: Mr. Burns has been shot. Wiggum: Just a minute!
This isn't Mr. Burns at all! It's a mask! [pulls at his face a little] Wait, it _is_ Burns....
Burns: Who is that bookworm, Smithers? Smithe
Homer Simpson, sir. Burns: Simpson, eh? How very strange....
Burns: {I don't remember writing a check for bowling.
} Smithers: {Uh, Sir, that's a check for your _boweling_....
Moe: D'oh, he's going to ruin everything! All right, that's it, Home
either Burns goes, or Moe goes. Apu: Yes, I am afraid that I am going to have to make a similar threat with my name in place of Moe's name....
Marge: I think Bart and Lisa are feeling a little upset right now.
Isn't there something you'd like to say? Home...
Homer drives to Flanders' house; rings doorbell] Ned
Well, Homer, what a pleasant -- Homer: Can't talk now, Flanders....
Burns: Look at that man, he has the crowd in the palm of his hand.
I haven't seen anything like it since Jolson....
Burns: What's that you say? You can live without television so long as you have _beer_?
Homer: [defiantly] That's right. Burns: [ominously] Wrong....
Smithers: Ah, sir. At least the world will see you as I always have.
Burns: [trying to get him to shut up] Yes, yes, yes....