Scientist: We Need A Fresh Angle To Keep The Public Interested.

HomeFortune CookiesThe Simpsons

Scientist: We need a fresh angle to keep the public interested.
Assistant: The public see our astronauts as clean-cut, athletic go-
getters. They hate people like that.
Woman: Well, who do they like?
Assistant: Well, here are the most popular personalities on television,
or "TV".
[Turns one on, shows "Home Improvement"]
Taylor: I did it! I supercharged my riding mower.
[Makes his characteristic noises. Backs through a fence by
Oh, no! I've killed Wilson. Looks like it's back to jail
for me.
[Makes more train noises]
[The next channel shows "Married...With Children"]
Peg: [whines] Al...let's have sex!
Al: Ehh, no Peg.
[Audience laughs and claps]
[Al flushes a toilet, and everyone hollers and cheers]
-- Fox: only the best programs, "Deep Space Homer"
