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Laura: Are You All Right? Bart's Brain: She's Beautiful.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Laura: Are you all right?
Bart's brain: She's beautiful. Say something clever.
Bart's mouth: [meekly] I fell on my bottom.
Bart's brain: D'oh!
-- Thinking fast on one's bottom,
"The New Kid on the Block"
Bart: How can you like that guy? Laura: I dunno. Maybe because he's an outlaw.
You know that dead body they found behind the mayor's house?...
Bart: [thinking] Well, it looks like it's just you and me, Barty-boy.
[aloud] Oh, great, I get to spend the summer with my brain....
Bart: You sniveling toad! You little egg-sucker! Lisa
[holding secure her box of cupcakes] Tell me more!...
Laura's mother: Well, I know what you're thinking, and the answer is yes.
I want to be fixed up with one of your friends as soon as you can arrange it....
Bart: What do you like about him? He's just a good-looking rebel who plays by his own rules.
Lisa+Laura: [wistful sigh] -- "The New Kid on the Block...
Jacques: First, you must get to know your lane. Feel the slickness, feel the slippery finish.
Caresses it, experience it. Quite smooth, isn't it?...
Shelby: We just got word there's Springfield kids in town.
[all the kids growl] Bart: Curse those handsome devils!...
Nelson: Look, Lisa: I found this change on the bottom of the pool.
You can have it. Lisa: Thanks, Nelson. Ralph...
Bart: [sleepy] Hello? Bruno: Right! I'm calling all the way from Squatter's Crog, Australia and I want to speak to, er, Dr.
Bart Simpson right now. Bart: Uh...[plugs nose] hold, please....