Hoover: OK, our next entry is "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Alison Taylor.
Skinner: Mmm, I can't wait to see this. [low voice] Be ready with the
[pulls cover off to reveal bloody animal heart]
Children: Ew!
Hoover: What _is_ it?
Bart: [disguising his voice] It's a cow's heart. [changing voices]
They're trying to make a monkey out of you. [Lisa smiles]
Skinner: Alison, is this supposed to be some kind of joke?
Alison: I didn't do that...I made a different one.
Skinner: Oh, is that so, young lady? Where is this "phantom diorama"?
Alison: Uh, I don't know...
[Lisa hears a heart beating, and looks worried]
Skinner: Aw, at least have the guts to take the blame, girl. You're
only compounding your folly by lying about it.
Bart: Right on!
Skinner: Young lady, cow hearts belong in a butcher's window, not the
[Lisa hears the heart getting louder, frets]
Well, maybe in an older students' biology classroom, but
that's none of my business. Elementary school is where I
wound up, and it's too late to do anything about that!
-- Losing track of the point, "Lisa's Rival"