Marge: Kids, your father and I are going through a really tough time
right now, and I don't know what's going to happen. But just
remember both your Mom and your Dad love you very, very much.
[walks off]
Bart: Wow, I've never seen Mom so mad at Homer before.
Lisa: I'll tell you a secret, Bart: every time I'm worried about Mom
and Dad, I go to the attic and add to my ball of string.
[said ball is huge; it crushes Snowball II]
-- The radius of Lisa's worry,
"Secrets of a Successful Marriage"
Bart: you ever worry that your mom might stop loving
Milhouse: What? I'm more worried about pirhanas. Did you see that
movie where they send a nuclear submarine to fight the
pirhanas, and one of them swims right down the periscope and
bites the guy in the eye, and he goes, "Aah!...