BankingCrossing: A Largest Banking Jobs Search Board Provides Career And Employment Opportunities In Financial Services Jobs Industry Like Bank Jobs, Banking And Finance Jobs, Accounting And Insurance Career, Finance Job Board And Banking Job Opportunity At Bankingcrossing.Com.
(18 Jun 2007)
Good Persian: How do you know Sarah Afshar? Sarah Afshar aka ExoticSarah1980. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Way beyond gorgeous. I would love to know how you know her.
(18 Jun 2007)
hassanabdhadi: Cool, keep up the nice site!(17 Jun 2007)
hossein: why you add this Iranian stupid hocker's women on your page, may you so young and you can nor remembers why revolution came in Iran, because some stupid rich people on street and nasty dirty life...people bring islaimc regime in Iran
(16 Jun 2007)
[Anonymous]: Last night I found a picture of a baby, little girl up close, in a matching yellow hat and top. Pink cheeks, eyes kinda out of focus from being tired, about 6 months. Downloaded it to desktop then wanted to send it to a friend and now can't find it again! Can you? And email it to me? Tried sending it from desktop and no dice. Please? Thank you.
(16 Jun 2007)