VLAURUS SKYWAY: RUBY PETUNIA CALCEOLARIA of NEW STANTON,PA. USA WILL BE PUTTING THE ROMAN CATHOLIC IN PIELNIA,POLAND as A VLAURUS FILES OF 452374-MUSIC FRIENDS FILES IN THE DOLOMITE MINE IN PIELNIA. and alley 201 glen burnie,md. usa illegal dumping witnessed by 25 color cameras og vlaurus globaltoday. joe the fiddler
(06 Nov 2008)
panoramio: THE 4-musicfriends web site is linked to panoramio Pielnia, Poland just until wiosna a polish tag is added to Sir William Carr Waller index owned by others and tripod. THAT IS WHERE SIR WILLIAM FOUND HIS DARLING ROSE urgent see YOSSARIAN INDEX. RUBY, RUDY, BEV, ROSE and JOE the fiddler of VLAURUS SKYWAY google images and more JERRY FREY IS RAMPING THE HITS ON AND ON NEBSKI. JOE
(05 Nov 2008)