Guest Book - Jose Vieira - 07/26/2001


Name:   Jose Vieira
E-Mail:   mitraud at
Location:   Berkeley/Downtown
Birth Year:   1970
Gender:   Male
Comments:   I am help Nancy from El cerrito to rent her room out and since she doesn't have a computer I am the one comunicating with people. I like you and I would like to be your friend. I live in Berkeley and I am from Brasil. I just finished my Marketing and International Business Certificate Program at UC B ext. and I will be here in the US working for while. I hope I can meet you some day. I'll be in Montreal until August 6th, so we can get together when I come back. My hohme phone # is (510)845-5468
Fortune:   Scientific theories are judged by the coherence they lend to our natural experience and the simplicity with which they do so. The grand principle of the heavens balances on the razor's edge of truth.

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