Guest Book - Yououghttoknowbynow - 12/09/2001


Name:   Yououghttoknowbynow
E-Mail:   stutrustee at
Birth Year:   1975
Gender:   Female
Comments:   Hey goozoo, I have to say your site is really good. Thank you for telling me about it. I have one suggestion about the bald guys pictures. Amir's brother is also bald, isn't he? So in the balds 3 picture put you three guys and in balds 4 find another guy and beat him up and shave his head. Then you will have balds 4. Just a thought. Your friend, Natalie
Fortune:   Tux Penguin Boxing Match LAS VEGAS, NV -- The unofficial Linux mascot Tux the Penguin will face his arch rival the BSD Daemon in a boxing match this Saturday night. The match is part of the Internat

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