Guest Book - Abbas Mohammed - 08/04/2002


Name:   abbas mohammed
E-Mail:   abbas_mohammed at
Gender:   Male
Comments:   Sir I am contacting you today for a business, which would be of immense benefit to you. I am a consultant based in Nigeria. I represent Mrs. Mariam Abacha, Wife of the late president of Nigeria, General Sani Abacha. She has instructed me to locate a foreigner who would act as Her fund manager and partner. She wishes to invest the sum of $30 million overseas and needs somebody to manage this investment on her behalf. As you know, the present Nigerian government has confiscated assets worth several million dollars belonging to her family so this project is top secret and you should not reveal it to anyone. Your fees as fund manager shall be a down payment of 10% of the investment capital, which is $3 million and an annual 3% of after tax returns on investment. Reach me by return mail if you are interested in this proposal so that I will give you relevant details. Regards
Fortune:   We're on a mission from God. The Blues Brothers

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