Guest Book - Clay Thornton - 08/16/2002


Name:   Clay Thornton
E-Mail:   clay at
Web Page:
Location:   USA- Mississippi
Birth Year:   1966
Gender:   Male
Comments:   Awesome page and I have a pic to share, This was done by a blonde. The pic is kinda blurry because I took it from my truck whise sitting in traffic, but as you can see it is a new model camaro with the ass end in the air. As I was coming back i stopped being the gentleman I was to offer help when turned down I asked if I could take a pic and she got really upset, thank goodness I'd already gotten this one
Fortune:   Overheard in a bar: Man: "Hey, Baby, I'd sure like to get in your pants!" Woman: "No, thanks, I've already got one ass-hole in there now."

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