Guest Book - David E. Reed - 01/18/2003


Name:   David E. Reed
E-Mail:   dereed at
Location:   DuBois, PA
Birth Year:   1946
Gender:   Male
Comments:   I was involved in a court suit against my company "Mack Trucks Inc." where they lost 6.9 million dollars in Pittsburg, PA over a fire truck wreck which killed one person, injured a young fireman badly, and injured 5 other firemen. The driver had always walked with a cane & was an older gentlemen not trained on Heavy Trucks. He missed a gear in the 20 year old fire truck & did not apply the air brakes, nor the parking brake, just rode the truck "Georgia Overdrive" style down the hill & turned a 90 degree turn, upsetting the truck. What they proved in a court of law, was impossible with this particular shift mechanism, which incidently it nor the transmission were made by Mack Trucks, who does make transmissions.

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