Guest Book - Donnelle Barkay - 04/08/2003


Name:   Donnelle Barkay
E-Mail:   donnbk at
Location:   Nigeria
Gender:   Female
Comments:   One fact we must get straight. Palestine was never a country. Statehood was promised to them by Jordan - but that shit was forfieted when the Palestinian people fought with the envading Arab Nazis in the 6 Day War. You Leftist are so brainwashed it's sickening -- sending young American women to sit in front of a moving bulldozier and -- what -- bulldoziers aren't heavy?? Now that's some serious brainwashing. LOL
Fortune:   "Dying is easy. Comedy is hard." (reply to one of his young actors who said to him: "Sir Donald, after a life so filled with success and fame, dying must be hard...") ~~ Sir Donald Wolfit (*contribute

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