Guest Book - Ursani Mahfooz - 04/26/2003


Name:   Ursani Mahfooz
E-Mail:   ursani at
Location:   Pakistan
Birth Year:   1965
Gender:   Male
Comments:   i have stayed in Awari hotel, Dubai (about 2 yearsago) for 2 days and still rememberthe service and good time spent there. I m getting married on 27th july 2003 and looking forward to spend my honey moon at your hotel, provided that special package may be provided to You included Visa, Outdoor intertainment, saffari, water sport, bungi jummping, sky diving, helecopter ride, class 1 or 2 formulla drving, jet skies, parachuting, hang gliding, ccuba diving, Fire camping, rifle shooting or any other exiting, romantik and adventurous/thrilling activity may be included. loking forward for your reply on ursani at in this regard. or any oher suggestion to spend a memerable time spent with by a newly married couple just after marriage in a affordable budget.
Fortune:   A lot of software developers are seduced by the old "80/20" rule. It seems to make a lot of sense: 80% of the people use 20% of the features. So you convince yourself that you only need to implement 2

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