Name: |
Sarah | E-Mail: |
HBKittenHB at | Birth Year: |
1980 | Gender: |
Female | Comments: |
Hi! I just wanted to compliment you on your amazingly beautiful photography!! I was searching for pictures of Santa Barbara on my computer, because I have been pondering moving there for a considerable amount of time, to get my phd in theology. And the pictures you took of it, really captured its beauty, therefore clinching my decision to go forth!!
Thanks sooo much!! And may you have a million more safe and wonderful journeys to come!!!
Very impressed,
Sarah | Fortune: |
TRS-80 Level-I BASIC could only store two string variables, A$ and B$.
Similarly, I was born with only two bug-storing-slots in my brain. At any
given time, I can only remember two bugs. If you ask me |