Guest Book - Robert McFerrin - 05/15/2003


Name:   Robert McFerrin
E-Mail:   forCHRISTsake at
Location:   Baghdad
Birth Year:   1969
Gender:   Male
Comments:   Hello to Princess Peussie and her Royal Court here and there but mostly in Peru...and I love you. I notice a letter from Goudarz in Iran and I can ´tell him that any 'Iranians for Christ'...are obviously nut cases and most ONLY worship Peussie or become her slave of sex and kindness. I speak from action and from truth and from a serious drug overdose brought on by Mafia Man Bush and his thugs in DC with hopes that they have the worst kind of KHARMA ever. Bringing it on, fuckers...Love, Robert
Fortune:   A lot of software developers are seduced by the old "80/20" rule. It seems to make a lot of sense: 80% of the people use 20% of the features. So you convince yourself that you only need to implement 2

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