Name: |
Margaret Irwin | E-Mail: |
margaretirwin at | Location: |
BEaverville, Oregon | Birth Year: |
1930 | Gender: |
Female | Comments: |
Who is this writing in the name of the Lord? I'd personally say: STAY AWAY FROM JESUS CHRIST AND HIS LITTLE DEVIL BOYS BECAUSE THEY WILL ALL FUCK YOU IN THE ASS DURING PRAYER SERVICES::::Tis true, tis mighty true, Turds, as princess fluff of Mortville would say. Groove on to you, Mojo and remember my love and stains to Gordo. Salute to Love and do not forget:'
Love, Margaret | Fortune: |
The following appeared in a newsletter about education policy.
'The average annual earnings of high school dropouts are significantly less than the average annual earnings of high school graduates. To |