Guest Book - Misa - 08/16/2003


Name:   misa
E-Mail:   miskailo at
Location:   Beograd
Birth Year:   53
Gender:   Male
Comments:   Hi, I am selling Tintin, Asterix, Lucky Luke, Bob Morane, Gaston, Spirou et Fantasio, Rahan, Doc Savage, Modesty Blaise, Dan Dare and all other world wide famous comics in Serbian - Yugoslavian language, as well as in Croatian and Slovenian. If you're interested in let me know and I'll send you a list. For Tintin: For Asterix: Regards from Beograd Misa
Fortune:   Version 5.0 of Microsoft's flagship spreadsheet program Excel came out in 1993. It was positively huge: it required a whole 15 megabytes of hard drive space. In those days we could still remember our

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