Guest Book - IHSANYAR Wais - 11/28/2003


Name:   IHSANYAR Wais
E-Mail:   wais147 at
Web Page:
Location:   France/Lyon
Gender:   Male
Comments:   My name is Wais IHSANYAR.I am son of M-Ihsan IHSANYAR.I am from Afghanistan(kabul).Now i am living in France(lyon). The Way "The Way has been marked out. If you depart from it, you will perish. If you try to interfere, With the signs on the road, You will be an evil-doer." I LOVE AFGHANISTAN... I LOVE AHMAD SHAH MASSOUD...
Fortune:   When I was 6 and my dad brought home one of the world's first pocket calculators, an HP-35, he tried to convince me that it had a computer inside it. I thought that was unlikely. All the computers on

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