Guest Book - Taxigirlhunter - 02/19/2011


Name:   taxigirlhunter
E-Mail:   rick at
Location:   nha trang
Birth Year:   1989
Gender:   Male
Comments:   chinese love to lie and smile. last night I was in the sailingclub in nha trang. In front wait 3girls1hug. 1 gives you a hug . pulles your trouser down for a suck. and the other steal your money. if you take the way over the park couples are sitting around the whole night. come close and you get the taser.
Fortune:   casters-up mode n. [IBM, prob. fr. slang belly up] Yet another synonym for `broken' or `down'. Usually connotes a major failure. A system (hardware or software) which is `down' may be al

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