Name: |
kimberlee merrick | E-Mail: |
kimgirlhb1 at | Gender: |
Female | Comments: |
Hi my name is spammistress kimberlee merrick from Huntington Beach, CA
I am new to the internet and would like to make it all my best bitch. I have no problem sending tens of thousands of UCE to every email address I can scrape
Please send me the most vile images you can find especially if they are on self perpetuating lists
kimgirlhb1 at
I cannot wait for pay back soonest
I am rich lady in America to help you finance | Fortune: |
Is Windows Antique?
SILICON VALLEY -- The first ever antique mall devoted to computers has
opened its doors deep in the heart of Silicon Valley. Named "Stacks
of Antiqueues", the new mall features o |