farinaz: niyazmandihai.khabar.
salam be yek doost khoob niazmandim.jahat atelaat bishtar ba shomareh tel 09137148264 tamas begirid.
mer30.mahze khoshi na hal giri
(08 Nov 2003)
hamid: Amazing! Keep up the good work...(08 Nov 2003)
Yasiiiii: Kamran is wonderfull ...
u know ?!? Kamran & Hooman r leaving the band & they r going to singing solo . it's a wonderfull news .
hope to see Kamran & Hooman better than every year in their new album .
Follow The KaHoo Brothers 4Ever ...
(08 Nov 2003)
asal: man goftam kheili site bahali hast vali shoma darin kharabesh mikhonin
(08 Nov 2003)
tariq mehmoo: I WANT GIRL FRIEND 18 to 23 years old indonasian
(08 Nov 2003)
~ArabianPrincess~: GREAT SITE!!! its been an hour and im STILL not done looking at it....and im SURE ill be here lots of times ..... but i would also like to check out the pictures..... but ill get to that some other day...
(08 Nov 2003)
[Anonymous]: I enjoyed your site. It is fun.
(07 Nov 2003)
Jimmy Chatalunski: Who are your friends?Are they Arabs?Next to your photos It would be more interesting if you told the viewer more information about your friends.Such as,Name,age,nationality,were you met,how you met.It would be nice if you told how long you have known,also any future plans ,trips,or if you would be willing to share a house or a apartment with them.It would also be important for the viewer to know if you could really trust the people that you call your friends in the photos.
(07 Nov 2003)
Phentermine: First i want to say that this site is really good, though you could improve your design a little bit... but thats my opinion ;) here's my phentermine site: phentermine, enjoy!
(07 Nov 2003)